The potholders are done! I'm so excited! Not just because they're done, but because they should have been relatively quick and easy to finish ... but of course it didn't work out that way.
Originally I wanted to bind them in a solid chocolate brown fabric which I had on hand... or so I thought. It turns out I used it all up already on another project (I could have sworn I still had some!!!). So what do I use now....hummmmm. I looked in my stash and saw a medium brown... it seems to match nicely so I cut it, iron it and sew it on the potholders.
While I was getting ready to hand sew the back edge down I looked at it again... it didn't look right. I walked away from them for a while and then came back. They just didn't look right. Although the color matched it just didn't jive.... if you know what I mean. They needed a dark brown. Out came the seam ripper. All that work was for nothing... oh well.
Now what? Do I go to the store and get more of the solid brown? I wasn't sure.... so again I walked away and came back later. Then it hit me. Why don't I just use the Thanksgiving print fabric for the binding? Afterall it was mainly dark brown. It looked like it would work.
So... I started all over again... cut... iron...... wait a minute... What if I add some rick rack in there too?! It's solid dark brown and it would tie it into the apron more (plus look cute!). So I sewed the rick rack on... hoping that once I sewed the binding on I would still see it. Next came the binding.... I pause to peek and make sure you could still see the rick rack... you could!!! Yes!!! Finally something worked out the way I wanted on the first try!!!! WooHoo!!!
I finished sewing the binding on. Sewed the back on by hand... and... I'm done!!! A quick finish on a project turned into a day long event... oh well. It's done and turned out cute! (Much better than with the other fabric.)
Tomorrow I'll work on getting the apron and potholders (plus a couple other goodies) packed up for my swap partner and mailed out. I also need to get started on "Happy Quilting's, Stars Quilt Along". I'm already a week behind. Hopefully I'll be able to catch up quickly. Melissa's great and has already been there to answer any questions I've had (since I'm a beginning quilter).
Until next time...
Cherise :)
Totally adorable! Very clever use of the ric rack too! Love it!