Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My latest Thrifty finds...


I managed to get to a couple of thrift stores this past Saturday. I took lots of pictures of my thrifty finds to share with you.

I managed to find two vintage sheets, one newer sheet & matching pillowcase (too cute to pass up), and three vintage pillow cases.

Below is the print on the newer sheet & matching pillowcase. How cute is this???!!! Aqua background with red & pink lobsters, and white flowers with green leaves. I squealed with delight when I found this! Mr. hunky dude didn't understand why I liked this pattern so much. Don't you just see this as an apron? It would work well for other projects too. I love it!   :)

I love this next vintage sheet! It's so warm and inviting! I will definitely be making a quilt with it. I'll add some dark brown, with pink, yellow and blue to match it. Can't you just see it? This one makes me smile!  :)

I found a sheet and two pillowcases in this next fun pattern. Love the polka dot background!  :)

This one was a pillowcase. Love the vintage vibe! So warm!  :)

I also found five zippers in great colors! I see zipper bags in my future!  :)

Next I found these awesome shot glasses! They are acrylic. I'm not sure if they're vintage or not but I love them! My hunky dude didn't understand this one either. How could I not get these?!!!  :)

Remember when I told you I collect salt & pepper shakers? I never really look for them but if they pop up and I like them I get them. This weekend I came across quite a few of them... four sets to be exact. Most of them were only $1. The first set are little cottages. The shaker on the left is the back with the front on the right.

The next set reminded me of my mom. She passed away in February and loved yellow roses. I will think of her every time I see these. I miss her! I also love these because they are shaped like milk bottles.  :)

Look at the top of them... how cool is that?!!! Love it!  :)

The next set has a vintage vibe. They are triangle shaped in aqua and white. I love the lettering on them, as well as the color!  :)

The last set I found was the most expensive, at $5 but well worth it! A snowman and santa hugging on a tray. Aren't they cute?!!! Such vivid colors too! Love them!  :)

I remembered to take pictures of my salt and pepper collection to show you. Here's one of the whole collection...

Then I took closer pictures of the top shelf (see next three photos)...

and the bottom shelf (see next three photos)...

I have some old... some new... none borrowed... but some with blue!  ;)

Thanks for sharing my thriftying finds and my salt and pepper collection with me. Do you thrift? What do you look for? What do you collect?

Have a Wonderful Wednesday!

Until next time...
Cherise  :)


  1. WONDERFUL thrifty finds!! I find myself drawn to salt & peppers when I am thrifting -- I say I have an accidental collection :)


  2. Good finds! And, Cute salt and pepper shakers. Although I rarely buy my trinkets anymore(b/c the budget only allows for fabric...hee hee), I have a small collection of old monkey S&P's and a few tea cups. I stopped buying the trinkets b/c I have no place to display them right now. One day when we are settled, then they can come out and maybe even be added to.

  3. Wow! What a fun day thrifting! I love a good thrift store! Your collection is darling!

    Have a great day!

    Karen sewmuch2luv.blogspot.com

  4. You got lots of lovely thrifty finds! The fabrics look beautiful, you will have fun deciding what to do with them. Cute salt and pepper collection!

  5. Great find on the sheets and pillow cases! The lobster one is great!!

  6. I love the lobsters! Isn't finding great thrifty things such a thrill? I love browsing thrift stores to see what treasures I can find!

  7. What great finds. Oh I can see the lobsters on an apron. That would be just to cute. Love your salt and pepper shakers. My grandmother collection them. But I am not sure what happen to them.
