Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!!! :)


Hope you're having a Hallowing Halloween! I'm watching Sweeny Todd with the hunky dude. I've never seen it before and he says it's good . . . we'll see. ;)  

The Halloween greetings above and below are from the leftover fabric from my Halloween apron. I know it's kind of late but I wiped them into two mug rugs. Cute, huh?!!!  :)

Guess what came courtesy of the UPS man today??? It was the awesome bag I won last week from the Ghastlie Blog Hop! Here's a picture of me with the bag . . .

Please excuse my messy hair. It was the end of a long day of shopping. You know shopping does take a lot out of you! Whew! I picked up some great items at the thrift store today. I'll show them to you later in the week. I also have items I picked up a couple of weeks ago that I haven't shown you yet . . . I'm a bad, bad blogger!

Anyway . . . Let's get back to the bag. I couldn't believe it got here so quick! Here it is with the handle up (& the tag still on it) . . .

And here's a closer view of it . . . 

Isn't it awesome?!!! I thought about taking more pictures of the inside but I figured you'd be bored. I'll tell you instead.  ;)   There's a strap inside to strap your sewing machine in and two removable pouches (attached with velcro) . . . and of course there's all the pockets on the outside. Now all I need is a new, big, awesome sewing machine to go in it! A girl can dream can't she??? 

I want to take time to thank Madame Samm, host of the Ghastlie Blog Hop for securing such an awesome item to giveaway and for picking my name! Thanks also to Blue Fig for being so generous and donating the bag for the giveaway!  :)   The Ghastlie Blog Hop is going on now through Friday, November 4th. Be sure to check it out!  :)

Until next time . . .
Cherise  :)


  1. Wow! You really scored! And it's pink....nuf said :)

  2. Love the pink bag, lucky you.
