Saturday, November 12, 2011

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas!

Hello!  :)

So Sorry I've been away. I was going to try to keep up with posting while I was getting ready for boutique but it just didn't happen. I did manage to get a lot of stuff done though. I'm actually quite amazed at how many things I finished in a week. This is going to be a long post . . . but hopefully one you'll enjoy!  :)  I'll start with the items that I had already started when I last posted.

Remember this . . .

It turned into this . . .

Isn't it adorable?!!! I'm really happy with the way it turned out!  :)  This runner was made by a pattern I got from Cleo And Me on Etsy. You should check out all her adorable patterns! They are really great patterns with easy to follow instructions. 

Here's the back of the runner . . . 

And a close-up on the fabric . . .

Isn't it adorable! I absolutely LOVE this fabric!!! It has glitter all over too. It's so festive! I got it at JoAnn's. I only had a little left so I had to go and get more to make more runners. I already made two runners and plan on making more. They only had a few yards left so of course I got all of them!  :)

Here's the finished Christmas Tree Mini Quilt. I wish the picture was better to show all the rich colors. I added red buttons since you last saw it. I was supposed to add some stringed lights too but I didn't think they looked good. Maybe it's because I used such rich deep fabrics. I made four of these . . .

Remember this stitchery . . .

It was the last stitchery in a set of seven for a banner. I had made two of each for two lap quilts. I actually made four of the snowman just because he was so cute!  :)  I planned on using the extra two for a couple of mini quilts. Here's the beginning of the mini quilts . . .

I loved the way it looked but it needed a border. I tried lots of different border fabrics and ended up with the same white polka dot that I used on the Christmas Tree Mini Quilts. It didn't distract from the other beautiful fabrics I used and I think it kind of looks like snow.  :)  I quilted it in the ditch and then added the light blue snowflake binding to finish it off. Here it is . . .

What do you think? It turned out pretty cute, huh?!!! I really like it! Here's the back . . .

I liked it so much that I made four of them. Yes I used the other two that I had planned on using for the lap quilt with the other stitcheries. I just couldn't help myself. I knew I wasn't going to have time to make the lap quilt for boutique. Then I got to looking at the other stitcheries and my stash of Christmas fabric . . . hummmm . . . 

I turned two of these . . . 

Into two of these . . .

Here's the back . . . 

And two of these . . .

Into two of these . . . 

Here's the back . . .

I stopped there. They were all made using the same design and quilted with the same in the ditch method. I wanted to keep it simple.  :)  I ended up with four Snowmen Mini Quilts, two Santa Mini Quilts, and two Christmas Tree Mini Quilts. I still have two each of 4 different stitcheries ready for the lap quilt I plan on making. I just have to stitch up 6 more stitcheries to replace the ones I used for the mini quilts. 

What else did I make for boutique? I made some crayon roll-ups. I used Angie from Summerfield Quilts, awesome Crayon Roll-Up Tutorial to make them. The tutorial is very easy to understand with lots of pictures. Thanks Angie for such a great tutorial!  :)  They were very simple and quick. I made 8 of them.

Here they are all rolled up . . . 

Here's the back of my favorite one . . . 

And the inside . . .

I had picked up the crayons during the back-to-school sales earlier this year just for this purpose. I even have more leftover. Guess I'll be making more in my future.  :)  

The night before I had to bring my things for boutique I had some extra time so I looked through my stash. I had some wine fabric and thought it would make a nice runner so I got busy putting it together. I didn't use any pattern. I basically made it up as I went along. I knew I wanted to keep it pretty simple. I also want to use some prairie points in it. I started with the wine fabric and then put some log cabin style strips around it. Then I put a border between the two blocks and at each end. I added the prairie points with the borders at the end. I was going to leave it there but it looked kind of skinny so I added the borders to the sides. 

Here it is . . . 

And the back . . . 

I didn't know whether I should turn both blocks the same way or not. I ended up facing them away from each other. I figured it would look great that way in the center of a table. What do you think? I kept the back and binding the same brown as the front to keep it simple. I wanted the focus to be on the wine fabric.

Here's a close up of one side of the runner . . .

And a closer view of the prairie points . . .

I kept the quilting simple by quilting next to the seams and around the prairie points. I couldn't believe how quickly the runner came together. I even had time to sew the binding to the back by hand. I was very happy with all I'd accomplished.

My boutique is in Quartz Hill, California, which is next to Lancaster, California. It's where I used to live before I moved to Corona a year and a half ago. I've been doing this boutique for the last 5 years and it's a really good one. If you are near there and want more information just ask. I went there Wednesday morning to bring my stuff and help set up. The boutique runs Thursday through Saturday. I will be there Saturday afternoon to work a shift and pick up my stuff when it's over. I hope I do well. The money I make will be used for Christmas presents. Wish me luck!  :)

Until Next Time . . .


  1. Wow girlie you have been a busy bee. You have made so some beautiful little quilts. The stitching is just gorgeous.

  2. So much done amazing. LOVE the snowman runner sooo cute

  3. Boy! You have been busy! I love your sticheries mini quilts! I don't hink you have any problem selling your items. =) Nicely done.

  4. OMG!! Those snowmen are too adorable. The others are fantastic as well. I love your blog. I'm your newest follower.
    Would love to see you DIY Home Sweet home.
    P.S. I have a linky every Monday. Would love for you to stop by and link up.
    P.P.S. I have another giveaway going on right now. Would love you to stop by and check it out.

  5. You're going to sell every bit of it cause everything is so cute and well made. Love the snowmen and I think you should do some more general ones like the wine runner. Everyone likes runners and if they are all season so much the better!

  6. Wow, you have certainly been busy! That snowman runner is too too cute! And I love the crayon rolls. My son would enjoy something like that...well, I would enjoy having his crayons more organized! Thanks for sharing at Shine On Fridays!

  7. Wow, Cherise, fabulous work! Those snowmen are adorable and your mini Christmas stitchery quilts are great! Great fabric choices. Thanks for linking up to TGIFF!

  8. You have been busy.Your xmas stitchery mini quilts are fabulous!!I love too the crayons roll!

  9. I love the snowman runner, super cute! I have seen the Christmas tree mini-quilt on a few blogs, I love how they are similar and yet all still unique (I loved ti so much I went hunting for the magazine a couple days ago so I can join in!). What a collection of finishes, way to go!

  10. You have super busy for sure. Everything looks great.
    I'm going to check out the roll-up tutorial. I've been wanting to make some of those for gifts.

  11. Cherise, you have got such a lot done and it all looks beautiful. I particularly love the snowman runner, it's gorgeous.

  12. All of your work is wonderful. You have made so much. I really like everything but the snowman has to be my favourite.

  13. Everything looks wonderful and I love the snowmen!

  14. Cherise, you have got such a lot done and it all looks beautiful. I particularly like that snowman runner, it's gorgeous.

  15. You've been really busy there...everything looks adorable.

  16. Unbelievable!! You are so talented!!Thank you so much for sharing your talent with us!!!

  17. Love all the Christmas creations!

  18. the snowmen are sooooo cute!

  19. Good Luck! I hope you do great! I'm beginning to think you never sleep!
    Thanks for linking @ This Week!

  20. You've made so many wonderful things - and so festive. I love all the snowmen and the crayon rolls best, I think. I wish I could come to your boutique but I'm not even on the right continent :( Thanks so much for linking up with Making Christmas :)
