Sunday, January 22, 2012


Giveaway is now CLOSED!
See the winners here! :)

Hello!  :)

Do you remember earlier this week when I said I was going to giveaway two charm packs to celebrate reaching 100 & 200 followers by the end of December? Well the time has come!

Before I show you the charm packs I want to thank all of my loyal followers! I never dreamed so many people would be interested in my blog. You have truly warmed my heart! I have made some awesome friends through this blog and I wouldn't trade any of you for anything! I had a goal to reach 100 followers by the end of December. I reached that goal and then you guys just keep going and all the sudden there were over 200 of you here following my blog! You really know how to make a girl happy!  :)

On to the giveaway . . .

Here's the first charm pack . . .

"Hometown" by Sweetwater for Moda. Would you like to win this?!!! Here's all the fabrics included . . .

And here's the other charm pack you can win . . .

"Rouenneries" by French General for Moda. How about this one? Would you like to win it?!!! Here's all the fabrics it includes . . .

There will be two winners chosen! The first winner will receive the "Hometown" charm pack and the second winner will receive the "Rouenneries" charm pack.

You need to do two things for a chance to win . . .
First . . . You need to be a follower of mine since this giveaway is to celebrate my followers!  :)  Current follower or new follower, doesn't matter.
Second . . . You need to leave me a comment telling me you're a follower.

That's it!
Easy peasy!  :)

The giveaway is open internationally. It will remain open until midnight pacific time. Sunday, January 29th. I will choose the two winners on Monday, January 30th with the help of the random number generator, and will email the winners and post them on my blog. If you are a no-reply blogger please post your email in your comment or you will be disqualified.

Lots of luck to you! Thank you again for following me! I appreciate it and you!  :)

Until next time . . .


  1. Congrats on all your followers! thanks for the chance to win - I am a follower and enjoying the ride!

  2. Lovely charm packs. I love them both.
    I'm a follower of your blog.
    Thanks for the chance.

  3. congrats on your 200 followers... these are lovely little charm packs you have chosen....

  4. Great charm packs! I like them both!
    I'm a happy follower!

  5. congrats on all your followers, and i thought i was doing well after 32....LOL

    love your blog wallpaper ( i have the same)
    love your taste in fabric....

  6. im a follower and love your charm packs :)

  7. Congrats! This is great and I am a happy follower! Thanks for the lovely give away!

  8. I too follow your blog--and I love the Hometown charm pack! crossing my fingers you draw me :)

  9. Aren't those Rouenneries just lovely? Thanks for the chance to win! Yup, I'm a follower.

  10. Congratulations on all the followers! I am one of them. Thanks for the chance to win a lovely charm pack.

  11. Thank you and congrats on all your followers..I hope to get there one day.
    I am def. a follower

  12. Congratulations on meeting a milestone on your blog!! And thank you for the chance to win a charm pack-- I love charm packs!! :-)

  13. I'm a follower! Love charm packs! I think the second one is my favorite, well...I like the first one too. Oh either one would be great! :)

  14. I am a follower. Both charm packs are wonderful. I would love to win either.

  15. I'm a follower. You are such a generous person for having a giveaway. And fabric is always the best prize, especially for a quilter. Even a newbie, like me, who doesn't have much of a stash yet.

  16. I'm a follower here and on Pinterest!! These fabrics are lovely, I'd love to add them to my collection!! Thank you for such a nice giveaway!

  17. I'm a follower! Oh yeah!

  18. I would love a chance to win one of these beautiful charm packs. I'm already a follower-thanks for a chance to win. (And I have posted about your giveaway on my blog too.)

  19. Hey Cherise! You know I'm a follower :) I love me some Hometown!!! Congrats on your bloggy success! Your blog is wonderful and I enjoy reading it :)

  20. Congrats Cherise! I am a happy follower of your blog. Thank you so much for a chance at your giveaway! :)

  21. Congrats on all your followers Cherise!!!

    I'm already a follower....thanks for the chance to win one of those beautiful charm packs!

  22. I am already a follower and I'm loving the fabric packs you picked out. :)

  23. I'm a follower!
    THanks for the giveaway.. I LOVE charm packs! Congrats on the # of followers!

  24. Congrats on the followers!! I follow you!!! I love the wecond charm pack!!

    Julia c

  25. Congratulations! I am a new follower :-)
    I never knew there were so many fellow quilters out there and so many gifted people doing tutorials and sharing patterns and knowledge - tips - techniques!
    It has been a lot of fun for me to become involved with this online community!
    Thank you for the chance to win such lovely prints.
    Cathy Byrd
    byrd at

  26. Now I´m a follower I think...... but I usually look on to your blog every day! Would love to win a charmpack!!!
    Gun, Sweden.

  27. Hi Cherise ... just love your blog & of course you are featured on my popular list for quick access to follow your antics & creations (yup i am a follower). You are so inspiring & congrats on all your achievements!

  28. HI, I've been following for a little while and enjoying your blog and your links to others. I love the muted tones of the fabric packs... very relaxing and romantic or country feeling to me. Congrats on over 200 followers!

  29. Congrats and thank for the great give away. Both packs a charming. I am a follower.
    Will leave my email as some times it comes up No reply and other not so.

  30. What a great giveaway! I love your blog and have been following for a couple of months now. Sign me up for the giveaway although I wonder where I'll put it if I I need more fabric ;) LOL.

  31. Awesome giveaway!! I am a follower. =) Thanks, Cherise!!

  32. Thank you for the chance to win a great giveaway and be one of your 200 followers. I have 21 followers on my blog and I think that is amazing. I can't imagine over 200. That would be incredible.

  33. Thank you for the giveaway. I am a follower. I love both of the charm packs. In fact, I just bought the Rouenneries Deux one, I liked it so much.

  34. I follow! Love the tied quilt background picture you have on your layout.

  35. I follow by Google and e-mail. Thank you for the giveaway I like both charm packs.

  36. Thank you for the giveaway ^__^
    I'm a follower of your lovely blog

  37. What a great giveaway. I am a follower. Thanks

  38. I'm a follower. Thanks for the chance to win.

  39. I'm a follower. Love the fabric!

  40. Am a follower. Thanks for the giveaways! And congrats on reaching over 200 followers!

  41. I am a follower via email. Love, love, love those fabrics. Thanks for the chance to win.


  42. Congratulations on passing your followers goal :-) Blog friends are the best! I'm glad to have been a follower for awhile now. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  43. I am a follower and both of these fabrics are beautiful!

  44. I am a fairly new follower. I love fabric and seeing what (and how) others make with it.

  45. I am a newish follower, I believe it was through another giveaway that I started following.

  46. I'm a follower and love the fabric!

  47. So glad I am already your follower...congratulations on your following and thanks for being so generous.

  48. Thank you for choosing such lovely fabrics for the giveaway. I'm already a follower.

  49. Thank you for the chance to win this sweet giveaway! I am a follower!

  50. no sure if my comment went through before...

    i am a follower!

  51. I'm proud to be your follower! Thanks :)

  52. I'm a follower since the Ghastly Blog Hop. Great giveaway and would luv either charm pack...thanks for the chance. Have a great week. Pauline

  53. I'm a follower! Thanks for the giveaway :)

  54. Congratulations to you success in achieving your target. I've been your follower for sometime now. Thanks for the great giveaway!!

  55. I am a follower and thanks for the giveaway

  56. I'm a new follower! Hello

  57. I'm a follower, and I love your fabric choices--so fun!

  58. Hi Cherise, I am a happy follower. I love smaller blogs like this. That quilt in the background is so wonderful. Thank you for the giveaway chance!

  59. I'm a new follower and I love finding great blogs!

  60. I am a happy follower. Love these charm packs!!

  61. I am following you via gfc:) thanks for the lovely giveaway:)

  62. THANK YOU for posting a reminder Cherise -- I have been a little MIA with new grandbaby but didn't want to miss out on such a great giveaway. YES I follow and today I am working on YOUR apron :)

    Blessings Friend!

  63. Congrats! And yes, I am a follower.

  64. Congratulations on all the followers! I'm already a follower! Thanks for a chance to win the beautiful fabric! :)

  65. Hi, I am a follower and thank you for a chance to win such beautiful fabric.

  66. Congrats on hitting 100 AND 200 followers! I'm a follower : ) love the charm packs!

  67. Congrats on the milestones. :o) I am a follower from way back before the first 100. What sweet charm packs to give away. Love your choices. Fingers crossed. Thanks for having the giveaway and the chance to win. xo
