Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Two Sisters Traveling Stash Box GIVEAWAY!

This giveaway is now closed.

Hello!  :)

I'm happy to say that I won the Two Sisters Traveling Stash box from Wendy at Stitchduchess' Crazy and Sane Stitching World. Yea me! This box was started on July 27th by Irene of Hilachas and her sister Ida of My Sister Made Me Do It. This box is in it's youth and all the goodies are packed into a medium Priority Mail box. I'm sure that pretty soon it will graduate to the large size box like most of the others are in. There are 8 Traveling Stash boxes making their way around the US. I happen to be the one who keeps track of where they are so others can take part too. Go here to see where all the boxes are and enter to win one too!

Here's what the box looked like when I opened it up . . .

There are lots of fun goodies inside!  :)  Here are the book and patterns included . . .

These next fabrics are all one yard or more . . . 

Don't you just love that Peanuts one! I do! I may just have to take a piece of that before I send the box on it's way.  :)  The next picture shows all the fat quarters that are remaining after I choose the fabrics I'm taking.

These are the misc items included in the box . . .

These are the items I choose to keep from the box . . .

7 fat quarters and a charm pack of Christmas fun!  :)  The next picture shows the 11 fat quarters I'm adding back to the box from my stash. 

I may even add some more before I seal the box up. Especially if I decide to take a piece of that yummy Peanuts fabric.  ;)

These are all the items that are going back into the box for the next person to enjoy . . .

Here's the box all packed up. I haven't sealed it yet so I may just add a few more goodies to fill up all the empty spaces.  :)

Now it's your chance to have this box come for a visit to your house!  Here's how . . .

1. Be an active blogger. Post about receiving the box on your blog in a timely manner. Post the giveaway for the box soon after receiving it.
2. There's a note in the box that logs where the box has been. Please add your info and place the note back in the box.
3. There's a list of Rules and Guidelines in the box. Please read and follow these and return the list to the box.
4. You may take anything you like from the box. Just replace every item with comparable quilt shop quality items equal to the amount taken.
5. Ship the box to the next person in a reasonable amount of time.
6. Due to the amount of postage shipping is only within the USA.

Please leave a comment on this post telling me what you would add to the box if you win it. I'd love to hear about it. I will leave the comments open until midnight (pacific time) on Tuesday, September 25th. I will email the winner and post on my blog on Wednesday, September 26th. If you are a no-reply blogger please post your email in your comment or you will be disqualified.

GOOD LUCK!!!  :)

Until next time . . .


  1. I have lots of patterns and fat quarters that I would add to the box.

  2. A sweet box! I see some fabrics I already have, but some I don't - and I Spy a pattern!! Would love my name added to the pool.

  3. I have a couple charm pack patterns, and some fabric I'd love to pass on.

  4. Ohhhhh, I love this box too...LOL, please put my name in the hat :-) and thanks for keeping track of all of them!

  5. I've got a some Christmas and some fall fabrics I'd share ... and perhaps a notion or two! I'd love this traveling stash to make it my way!!! :)

  6. I have some FQs, charm packs, thread,and quilt patterns that
    I could add to the box. Thanks
    for the chance!

  7. Lovely items in this box. I have some christmas fabric I can share and a couple of charm packs as well. It really is so much fun picking out what to put in and what to keep out of these boxes. I'm crossing my fingers and toes to get this one :)

  8. I have some fat quarters I can add as well as some Christmas fabric. I would love to win this box!

  9. I keep trying one of these days please include me jzzyblu@yahoo.com.

  10. Hi Cherise, please don't add me since I sent out to you. I just wanted to pop in and say I love the fat quarters that you put in that look like type writer keys! So cute. Good luck everyone.

  11. well of course I would add fabric to the box, maybe a pattern, maybe a vintage sheet for a backing??

  12. WOW, I really like your box, not that I do not like the one I have, put I like to get my hands on some of that fabric. Count me in.

  13. I would add a large charm pack of scraps from my stash.

  14. I have lots of fabric that I would like to add to the box. Count me in!

  15. Love those dream on fq's!
