Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Plugging Away...

Hello!  :)

I'm still here! I know it's been awhile since I posted. I've been very busy trying to get the quilts done before Christmas. I'm making lots of progress.  :)

The other day I finally got the Super Mario quilt basted.

It's actually already quilted too! I know amazing huh?! I ended up machine quilting it with diagonal straight lines. Of course I forgot to take pictures. Sorry!  :(  Right now it's quilted and the binding has been sewn on too. It's sitting waiting for me to hand stitch the binding down. The last step! I can't believe it! I never thought I'd be at this point. I now know that I will have this done in time for Christmas! Yea!  :)

My Official Mario Quilt Countdown
Blocks to make  12
Blocks completed  12
Blocks remaining  0
1-1/2" Squares
Started with  3888
Used  3888
Remaining  0
Sashing - DONE!  :)
Borders - DONE!  :)
Backing - DONE!  :)
Basting - DONE!  :)
Quilting - DONE!  :)
Binding - need to stitch down

I don't think I told you but I had another quilt I needed to make for Christmas. I know I am crazy!!! This one is for my hunky dude. He's been asking me all year when I was going to make a quilt for him. I decided to make him one for Christmas. Somehow although it hasn't been easy I've managed to keep it a secret. He loves batik fabrics so that's what he's getting. The other night I managed to finish the quilt top.

I'm using Amy Smart's Lattice Quilt pattern again like I did last year for my oldest son's Hawaiian Getaway quilt. It went together pretty quick. Here's another view of it.

Did you notice the dog? The back is pieced from leftover batik pieces and is definitely random.  ;)

Last night I machine quilted this quilt. I also got the binding (black) stitched on and it's ready to be hand stitched down. I'm hoping to get this finished in the next couple of days.

Batik Quilt Countdown
Quilt Top - DONE!  :)
Backing - DONE!  :)
Basting - DONE!  :)
Quilting - DONE!  :)
Binding - need to stitch down

It hasn't been easy working on these quilts since both quilts are surprises for my guys. I can only work on them when they're gone or sleeping. I'll definitely be back later to show you the pictures of the finished quilts. I really like how they're looking. I just hope my guys like them too!  ;)

Until next time . . .


  1. These two quilts are totally wonderful! No way can I quilt an entire quilt in one day - you're good!

  2. You are being so sneaky doing these with your guys knowing :o) They are both going to be that bit more surprised when they get them. I love them both. hugs

  3. Congrats on getting the mario quilt almost done and you lattice quilt is looking great too.

  4. amazing! You are such a fast stitcher. They look so good! I really really look the Mario quilt.

  5. Great job on getting Mario done, I'm still on Goomba!

  6. You have definitely been a busy girl. Awesome as usual :)

  7. I really LUV the Mario Quilt! And I'm thinkin there are some grandies that might like it too. Is it possible you might tell me where to get the pattern? =)

