Wednesday, March 6, 2013

More Stitching!

Hello!  :)

Things have been a little up in the air around here the last week. My hunky dudes father passed away last Thursday. He lived a good long life. We will be putting him to rest this Friday. We were at his house going through things for days and still have more to do. When we came home at night I would sit and stitch. It was nice and relaxing.  :)

The first new project I started over the weekend was "Tall Sheep" by Shepherd's Bush. It stitched up pretty quick. I finished it on Monday night. Here it is . . .

It's stitched on 28ct antique white monoco. I really like the way it came out. It was supposed to be stitched on 20ct so the buttons were a little big but I think they look okay (I hope so anyway). There are supposed to be 4 flower center buttons too but they didn't look right so I left them off. This was a really fun piece to stitch. I love the colors except for some of the greens that didn't blend well enough for me. For example the word "sheep" is on the hill. You can barely see it. If I stitch it again I'll adjust the greens. I'm not sure how I want to finish this yet so it will go into the finished pile with the others.  :)

On Monday I received the second pattern in Little House Needleworks "Sheep Virtues" series. This one represents "Love". I sat down to stitch it on Tuesday. This is what I had done that night . . .

On Wednesday I managed to finish it. I'm really liking how these are coming out. Here it is . . .

I switched my fabric this month from lugana to linen so I will be re-stitching the first pattern soon. This piece was stitched on 30ct cocoa linen using DMC threads. I didn't realize it right away but both of these patterns contain sheep. I guess I'm in a sheepish mood . . . heehee  :)

Tomorrow I'll be attending the Quilt, Craft & Sewing Festival in Pomona, California with some girls from my stitching group. After we will be going to one of the girls houses and stitching for awhile. It will be nice to get away for the day. I'm really looking forward to it. I'm not sure what I'll be stitching next though since I finished my ongoing projects. Guess I'll have to figure it out pretty soon.  ;)

Until next time . . .


  1. I love pieces with sheep in them - even quilts. They are sense of calmness. Sorry for your loss - some get away time is much needed, so enjoy your day.

  2. Sorry to read your news...
    Beautiful stitches!

  3. Sorry to hear of your family's loss. Your stitching is beautiful. I especially love the sheep project in the top photo :)
